Energy Analysis of an Air Conditioning System using Fuzzy Logic Controller
The controller i.e. FLC was developed to control the motor speed in order to maintain the room temperature at or close to the setpoint temperature. However, when the room is thermal loaded, the controller act such that the heat recovery to the room is fast until the temperature setpoint is upheld again. The energy consumption would change with the change in motor speed. When the motor speed increases, the room temperature decreases and the COP increases with the increase in energy consumption. Furthermore, the higher the energy consumption the smaller is energy saving.
The modification of FAM rules that produced satisfactory solution in term of energy saving for the room was employed. The impacts of FLC on the performance of the system, the room temperature and energy consumption have been analyzed experimentally. The study has shown that FLC is better than PID controller. The trend of compressor performance in term of COP is found to be similar for all temperature settings. Energy analysis shows that FLC gives the highest saving in comparison with on/off and PID controller. The main outcome of this study shows that using VSC and choosing suitable control strategy is capable to control the space temperatures with significant energy saving.
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Dr. Ir. Henry Nasution, M.T
Staff Jurusan Teknik Mesin
Fakultas Teknologi Industri
Universitas Bung Hatta