Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016
3rd Engineering Science and Technology International Conference (ESTIC 2016)
On behalf of the organizing committee, I extend my hands to invite you to the 3rd Engineering Science and Technology International Conference (ESTIC 2016).
The conference was initiated on 2011 and 2013 by the Faculty of Industrial Technology of Bung Hatta University under the modest name of National Conference of Science and Technology (Resatek). The conference then expands and changes its name into Engineering Science and Technology International Conference on 2016. The conference adopted the present name and expanded its scope to international. The conference has facilitated the communication between scientists across applied in engineering technology science.
Applied Engineering technology is progressing rapidly and enables us to reveal and comprehend how this universe works. This conference will allow applied technology professionals to contribute their expertise to deal with empowerment issues.
This event is aimed at promoting engineering technology research activities in Indonesia and overseas, in the hope of building and strengthening networks and collaborations. The upcoming conference theme is "Applied Technology for Sustainable Development". The conference is open to all researchers in applied engineering technolgy. I am looking forward to meeting you in Padang, Indonesia.
Date : August 30th – 31st, 2016
Venue :Pangeran Beach Hotel, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 79 Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
Theme: Applied Technology for Sustainable Development
Scope : Applied researches in chemical engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information engineering and environmental engineering.
1. Energy
2. Material science and technology
3. Environmental science and technology
4. Food Processing Technology
5. Industrial Management Technology
5. Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
6. Other related topics
1. Prof. Dr. Yazid Bindar (Professor in Chemical Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
2. Dr. Chihiro YOSHIMURA (Associate professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), Japan)
3.Dr. Krittiya Lertpocasombut (Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering, Thammasat University,Thailand)
4. Prof. Dato’ Wan Ramli Wan Daud
(University Kebangsaan Malaysia)
5. Dr. Toshiro Yamada
(Gifu University Japan)
6. H. Mahyeldi Ansyarullah, SP
(Mayor of Padang City, Indonesia)
1. Prof. Madya Dr. Edy Harianto Majlan
(University Kebangsaan Malaysia)
2. Dr. Eng. Reni Desmiarti (Bung Hatta University, Indonesia)
3. Dr. Inna Kholida Sari (Bung Hatta University, Indonesia)
4. Dr. Ir. Jovial Mahyoedin. MT (Bung Hatta University, Indonesia)
5. Dr. Hidayat, ST., MT (Bung Hatta University, Indonesia)
Abstract submission deadline : June 24th, 2016
Abstract acceptance : July 1st, 2016
Full paper submission (for Proceeding or journal) deadline: August 5th, 2016
In order to enjoy the benefit of early-bird registration fee, we encourage participants to submit their abstract as soon as possible.
Qualified full paper will be published on conference proceeding (optional process). The committee is collaborating with the editors of the International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT) indexed by scopus.
Secretariat Office of ESTIC 2016
Engineering Science and Technology International Conference
Chemical Engineering Department
Faculty of Industrial Technology
Kampus Proklamator III Universitas Bung Hatta
Jl. Gajah Mada No.19 Olo Nanggalo, Padang
Website :
Email :
Phone : +62(751) 7054 257
Fax : +62(751) 7051 341
Mobile 1 : +62 813 2152 6534 (Dr. Silvi Octavia, ST., MT) -[Call/Sms/WA]
Mobile 2 : +62 823 8668 7623 (Dr. Firdaus, ST., MT) -[Call/Sms]
Mobile 3 : +62 813 74132130 (Ellyta Sari, ST., MT)