Rabu, 15 November 2017
2nd International Symposium on Nusantara Cultural Heritage (INCH) 2017
Over the last decades, cultural heritage is gaining attention of scholars and policy makers particularly in Nusantara region as a great impact of instrument in generating revenue to sustain preservation. The term of Nusantara today has been segregated into different nations in the South-East Asia region. The complexes and elusive concept of cultural heritage represents broad proponents for both tangible and intangible component. Thus without putting limitation to the component studies, this symposium will look at all interesting issues and potential of cultural heritage studies for theoretical and empirical contributions.
The main theme of symposium: “Safeguarding Cultural Heritage: Challenges and Approaches”
Padang (West Sumatra), 15-17 November 2017
Venue: Campus of Bung Hatta University, Padang, Indonesia.
Call For Paper:
The abstract should be written in English no more than 300 words and submitted to inch.symposium2017@gmail.com.
The papers received are the result of research and deep study towards the following sub-themes:
1. Architectural and Urban Heritage
2. Archaeological Site
3. Intangible Cultural Heritage
4. Conservation Policy and Management
Template of full paper can be downloaded from www.bunghatta.ac.id/agenda
2nd International Nusantara Cultural Heritage (INCH) Symposium is organized by four faculties namely Built Environment Faculty, University of Malaya (UM); Facutly of Engineering, University of Sumatera Utara (USU), Faculty of Engineering, University of Pembangunan Panca Budi (UNPAB) and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Bung Hatta University
The Symposium will be followed by a two days interdisciplinary seminar topics and one day technical trip hosted by the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Bung Hatta University, Padang, West Sumatra. The symposium is open to students, researchers and professionals with related background in analyzing the prospect of cultural heritage.
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Dr. H. Irwan Prayinto, S.Psi, M.Sc. (Governor of West Sumatra Province)
Prof. Dr. Yahaya Ahmad (University of Malaya)
Dr. Ir. Eko Alvares Z., MSA (Bung Hatta University)
Important Dates:
• Abstract Submission Deadline : 17 July 2017 (max. 300 words)
• Notification of Abstract Acceptance : 31 July 2017
• Full paper Submission Deadline : 2 October 2017
• Notification Full Paper Acceptance : 13 October 2017
Tamplate Full Paper INCH 2017 klik this
Team Reviewers:
1. Dr. Indera Syahrul Mat Radzuan (UM-Malaysia)
2. Dr. Mariam Ashkan (UM-Malaysia)
3. Dr. Rosniza (UM-Malaysia)
4. Dr. Sumarni (UM-Malaysia)
5. Dr. Bahram Shahedi (UM-Malaysia)
6. Dr. Lim Yoke Mui (UM-Malaysia)
7. Dr. Wan Srihani Wan Mohamed (UM-Malaysia)
8. Dr. Zuraini Binti MD Ali (UM-Malaysia)
9. Dr. Brit Kayan
10. Dr. Wahyu Utami, (USU-Indonesia)
11. Morida Siagian, PhD (USU-Indonesia)
12. Dr. Ketut Wiradyana (Balar-Indonesia)
13. Kaspan Eka Putra, PhD (UNPAB-Indonesia)
14. Dr.Eko Alvares Z (UBH-Indonesia)
15. Dr. Jhonni Wongso, (UBH-Indonesia)
16. Dr. Al Busra Fuady, (UBH-Indonesia)
17. Indah Widiastuti, (ITB-Indonesia)
18. Dr. Asmyta Surbakti, (USU-Indonesia)
Registration fee:
Indonesian Rp.400.000,- International Participant (35 US $)
Indonesian Student Rp. 200.000,- International Student (30 US $)
Conference materials, e-proceeding, certificate, lunch and coffee break during symposium
Technical trip (Optional with additional charge that will informed later)
1. Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah
Acc. No : 763232323500
Acc Name : Ika Mutia
2. Bank Mandiri
Acc. 0500 1003252
Acc name : Sri Shindi Indira
Confirmation of payment: inch.symposium2017@gmail.com
Contact Persons:
Ika Mutia ST, M.Sc +6285314708663
Isnen Fitri, ST, M.Eng +628196099132
Ms. Linda Shafarina Hassan +60162097505
Department of Architecture,
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Bung Hatta Unviersity
Jl. Sumatera, Ulak karang, Padang Utara, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
For further inquiry, contact us via:
Email : inch.symposium2017@gmail.com
Website :
Supported by
Balai Pelestarian Cagar Budaya (BPCB) Aceh
Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya (BPNB) Aceh
Badan Warisan Sumatra (BWS)
IAI Sumatera Barat