Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017
Workshop on Urban Landscape and Heritage of Padang, West Sumatra
Organized by Bung Hatta University, Hokkaido University, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Kindai University
Date: 10 – 11 August, 2017
Venue: Bung Hatta University, Padang
Participants from Japan:
Yasushi Takeuchi, Tohoku Institute of Technology
Yoshihisa Wakita, Kindai University
Shinichi Ikenoue, Hokkaido University of Education
Akiko Tashiro, Hokkaido University
Graduate School students from Japan (TBC): around 4-5 students
? Develop collaboration skill to work with international students.
? Develop research and questioning skills on conservation of heritage.
? Understand a concept of “Heritage” in urban landscape and its balance with tourism.
? Learn various perspective and practical problems on urban landscape conservation.
? Get benefit from a wider range of experience with interdisciplinary background students.
Students will be asked to work with other students in three groups, and make a suggestion for urban landscape of Padang include following three topics:
? Risk Management for Old City of Padang
? Tourism Development and Conservation Plan for Old City of Padang
? Suggestions for Conservation regulation for Old City of Padang
Students will discuss three topics with other students in their group, and present their results together in the afternoon of 2nd day.