International Web Seminar (Webinar) Faculty of Law Bung Hatta University
Jum'at, 24 Juli 2020
Faculty of Law Bung Hatta University will be holding an International Web Seminar (Webinar) with theme " International Business Perspective in Covid-19 Pandemic"Registration
on Wednesday, 29th July 2020
at 14.00 pm to 16.00 pm WIB (Jakarta Time Zone).
Zoom ID : 923 2711 6348
Password : 1981
Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Tafdil Husni, S.E., MBA., Rector Universitas Bung Hatta
Welcoming speech
Dr. Uning Pratimaratri, S.H., M.Hum. -- Dean Faculty of Law Bung Hatta University
In this webinar we will invite special guest speakers:
1. Dr. Mia Mahmudur Rahim, Associate Professor at School of Law, University of New England: The Role of CSR in Triggering New Business in The Hard Situation.
2. Suamperi, S.H., M.H. (Faculty of Law Bung Hatta University): Business Dispute Settlement
3. Miko Kamal, S.H., LLM., Ph.D.: The legal obligation of unemployed people after the outbreak of covid-19.
4. Prof. Dr. H. Syafrinaldi, S.H., MCL. (Rector Universitas Islam Riau): Business Dispute Resolution in The Era of New Normal
5. Dr. Suzana Mohamad Said (Senior Fellow of Law, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Yofiza Media, S.H., M.H. (HP 0812 6747 0273)
Surya Prahara, S.H., M.H. (HP 0813-6368-6816)